In the sacred town of Liska, renowned as one of the holiest places in the world, the profound prayers recited at the tomb of the esteemed tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with deep significance.

Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (??? ??????? ?????? ????), resonate.In this prayer, requests are made for the healing of the sick, abundance for those in need, and peace and health for Israe

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Masodik Jelenlet - Jancso 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsido multjarol

Második Jelenlét - Jancsó 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsidó múltjáróJancsó Miklós és Kende János 1978-ban, tíz évvel kés?bb, ismét felkeresték a bodrogkeresztúri zsidó temet?t és az olaszliszkai zsinagógát. A második dokumentumfilmben L?wy Tamás és Deutsch László, két fiatal férfi, visszatér Olaszliszkára. A történet fol

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The Jewish Cemetery of Liska

The Jewish Cemetery of Liska, nestled in Olaszliszka, Hungary, is renowned for its profound historical and spiritual significance, offering a poignant connection to the Jewish community's past and its Hasidic traditions. This cemetery, commonly known as "Liska," occupies a prominent position in Jewish history, especially within the context of Hasi

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The Jewish Cemetery of Liska

Located in Olaszliszka, Hungary, the Jewish Cemetery of Liska holds significant historical and spiritual value, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of Jewish traditions in the region. The cemetery, referred to as "Liska," holds an esteemed place in Jewish historical narrative, particularly significant in the realm of Hasidic traditions.�

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